Funny Love Letters Biography
… Your name or anything else about you because you will know who this is I just want to say that you are the object of my desire you have been in my fantasies since the first day i met you.I love when you bend down in front of me and your pants allowe me to see the lovely white thin ass which drives me wild you are so fucking sexy with your long brown hair, sweet lips, small breast and thin body. I may never have you in my arms and maybe its best that way put i just want to say you are incredible and you will always be my fantasy top floor girl
As much as I hate to state the obvious about you.. Go take a long run and go fuck
yourself. The past 15 years have been nothing but, an axious
neverending rollercoaster ride of love and disappointment. I for one
will be much better off knowing, you have no control over the things
in my life. I bid you farewell, and did I mention GO FUCK
I have been so mentally unstable lately. I have been thinking about you constantly. Yes, I have very bad issues in my life but finding out about your situation has brought me to a point of insanity and a detrimental state of mind. You know I do love you and that I care. You are my Twin Flame. I have the irrevocable Yin to your yang. I want to marry you and be with you. I offered you my home a while ago and the offer is still up. I also am offering you to come up to cape cod with me to live and get away from the city. It’s eating you and it’s eating me. As your Twin, I experience the runner affect and effect of your situation everyday and almost every other moment I have. I need you to realize that you were raped. You would never do this in a million years. Is she pregnant? And if so, why? You don’t love her. She hurt you, me, us, and a lot of other people. There is no pride in that relationship you have with her. Please, come back home. Rethink and re-evaluate these things.
I am trustworthy, you know this by now. I have been trying to reach out to you but you are clouded and blinded by sex and by a manipulative person.
Get help. I love you,
I want you to love me so I can ruin your life.
*I’m beginning to think that’s what you imagine I’m out to do. I’ve been kind, overly so. I try me best to not over or under-react but even from this side of the massive gap between us I can still feel the distrust and contempt. I feel as if someone has cut my heart open and stuffed a life-sized ghost of you inside and then forced it shut. Lately the lightest things feel overwhelmingly heavy… I’m aware my recent sadness isn’t solely from this situation but it’s harder to deal with life’s ups and downs with this weight in my heart.
Dear Josh
When I first saw you (on youtube), boy did I feel swell. Every time I look at you, god, it’s like heaven died and went to heaven.Your hair, so red, I see it burn with my infinite love for you ; your hair looks like a sunrise against a beach in Hawaii…or a really tasty pineapple…Your chestnut hazel eyes are as beautiful as a green meadow speckled with daisies…with us fucking there ;) Your arms and legs remind me of pocky sticks…I love pocky sticksYou are cuter than kittens and puppies hugging each other so that’s why I painted a rainbow with my tears. My tears of joy at the mere thought of you and tears of sorrow that we never met even though we only live 30 minutes away from each other. So close…yet so far. Wow, your’e probably freaking out right now, seeing this message of love in your inbox on Facebook. But Matt…WE WERE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?!? I LOVE YOU, LAURANHAE, TOI YEU ANH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so consider my love. Please. From Vancouver
Dear beautiful,
Hello Angela. I really miss seeing you and your outstanding butt. It’s hard not to think about someone as great as you. Which is why I wrote this letter to inform you that I will be in your room tonight. I took your house key from your bookbag and made a copy of it while you were in school. I remembered your address and the room in which you sleep in. I hope this is not creepy but I go into your room everyday while you’re at school and try on your clothes. They make me feel beautiful just because I know that they were worn by you. I bought two bottles of Listerine to chug down before I meet you tonight just in case you don’t like the smell of my normal breath. And don’t worry about condoms I have them too. I bought 3 boxes of magnums and put them right next to your bed. I hope that’ll be enough. :o I can’t wait to see you tonight baby. I know it’s been 5 years since we last saw each other but don’t worry everything will be just like it used to. Except for the fact that my penis has shrunken because of all the steroids I took. I just wanted to impress you with my muscles :/ I love you babe.
Love always,
Hey Girl,
Ok What is your secret? You are like a magnet, pulling me in every direction. I don’t know if you remember but one time when we were out side your house talking, and I was dropping off a kennel we had borrowed from your mom, I told you that I use the church as a excuse to talk to you. Its true, but now I am looking for every excuse I can, to call and hear your laugh and even your sigh. Even just to text you. When I call on my way home, I stop when I get to Macdonalds, to keep talking. I don’t want to stop talking. It is great to hear the love you have for your daughter. I hurt to hear the pain you have dealing with your mom. I have so many things I want to ask and learn about you. I fear that I am being to bold, that is why I keep asking if I make you nervous. I am worried that after you read this, you will run. If I am scaring you, please let me know, and I will run. I too, try to say what I feel, and I know that this may scare you off, which is the last thing I want. Please don’t let this scare you. I worry that others will notice me looking your direction, so I try hard not to stare. When you sat in front of us at church, I noticed every move you made, looking for signs of stress, (even a scowl) wanting to protect you. Hoping to see the spark in your eyes. I worry that you will think that I am just a married horn dog, I hope you don’t. I am not looking for anything, except to understand the things I feel. I want you to know, that I love my wife dearly. I would never let anything get in the way. And I also know that other real emotions exist out side of marriage. I told you one time that I have a story to tell you, I still do, and have been waiting for the right time. If this note doesn’t scare you off, then maybe soon. If you want to get me in real trouble, this letter would do it. I am taking that risk, hoping you understand. If I can borrow a couple of lines from the second song on the CD I gave you, “I don’t want to mess this thing up, I don’t want to push to hard”, “I don’t want to leave”, We don’t need to rush this, lets just take it slow”, “Lets do this right”.
Subject line: I miss you
It’s almost 5 years now. 5 years since I uprooted my life for you. 5 years since I did everything for you. 5 years since you left me here.
Almost 5 years and I still wake up every day thinking of you — spend my nights dreaming of you.
This time of the year is always the hardest. It was during this time that it all started to unravel — despite that I thought I was doing what I should, what was expected.
I’m sorry for the mistake I made. I should have told you I loved you sooner. I should have told you how much you meant to me sooner. But, I was scared. I was scared of what it meant, scared if I could, scared of ending up here if I did, alone and lost. I should have told you at your Birthday party that year, while I sat next to you, holding you. That picture still haunts me, the two of us sitting with each other — all your friends sitting around us. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you. I’m sorry that my actions didn’t speak louder than 3 simple words — I thought for sure they did.
I should have shouted it out at your party, to the world. Stood atop the tallest peak and made sure the world knew just how much I loved you and more importantly that you knew how much I loved you, cherished you. In the end, I tried in my own way, but failed horribly and embarrassed you, me — my love. I’m sorry.
I miss it all. I hate it all. I loved all of it and I long for it all back, still. I can’t escape you here in our home. I’m surrounded by what was and what should have been. And, I can’t heal. I can’t grow. I can’t move on. This is my prison. Where is my closure. Where is my escape.
I’m sorry. I love you still, wishing I couldn’t, wouldn’t and shouldn’t. Alone in our home, looking out the windows at what was and what could have been.
Subject line: I’m sorry i’m not perfect!!!
Your right I can be an asshole I also can be a very loving man who thinks of others before himself unless you make a decision thinking only about you with no regard for others feelings you say mean thing when your mad I understand but at least make them truthful or you should do what you say you need and keep them private you really need to face your problems in a different way because it should be obvious by now that your way isn’t working I know I can be very mean I also know I love you and forgave you over and over my problem is holding resentment I should have been honest after the second incident and parted ways now it’s much harder to deal with we have created a great home together only to let go of due to privacy being violated without wasting much time it’s obvious you and me aren’t meant to be we gave it a run now let’s be adults and let it go life is too short too hate and dwell there is that right person out there for each of us I wish you the best sweetheart and I’m sorry for the pain we’ve delt with in this relationship but enough is enough
I know you hate me for leaving you that message sometime ago but you have to understand that I felt like you were stringing me along and I just didn’t like that … especially after I told you how I felt and you knew I just wanted things to be casual. Okay, I want to be friends again and this time, I ask that if you have feelings for me, or if things start to heat up, and want to further it, please don’t push me away and then do that to me again. I think you were in a bad place as well then (still am until I get my shit together), was the first time for you or whatever (I don’t know), and you just weren’t thinking at the time and I didn’t see it. If you have found someone, great, married, awesome, or have kids, congratulations. I’m happy for you but I still want to be friends again.
I hate you with the intensity of a hundred suns. I hope you burn in hell… on earth and after. You deserve nothing less for what you did to that girl… those girls… everyone. Never in my life have I met such a scumbag. They’ve been talking, you know. To each other & their friends. Everyone who matters knows what a douchebag you are and everyone else will know soon enough. Pretty sure the world would be a better place if you died. Gonna hope for that to happen. Slowly & painfully, if possible.
I wish I could have you back. I have screwed up in the past but we were young. We all make mistakes. I am ready to change and be the man that you need in your life. For the past couple years I think I have shown that. I really miss you and I didnt think I had another chance because I thought you were going to marry the man you were living with recently. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and be a good person right from the start. Im sorry for everything I did and If I had a…what chance are we on now….oh that doesnt matter. I just need one more. Thats all it would take. I want to grow old with you. I want to be your strength. I want…you. I will never love anyone else the way I love you. You are my soul mate. You complete this man. Corny I know…but there it is.
Subject line: I wish you nothing but the best.
I miss you so much. We had an amazing thing but it terrified you. You were the best friend I ever had. You were too scared to get hurt, but I never would have hurt you. Instead you hurt me and the baby. I ended saying things that were harsh, but I was trying to make you see reality and not sugar coat everything. I still love you with all my heart. And the baby misses you. I pray every day that you get your shit together so that you will no longer be afraid to let anyone else in. I wish you the best. I’ve made up my mind, I’m moving to NY as soon as I possibly can. Without you, nothing feels right here anymore. Good luck. Take care of yourself. I love you and miss you.
Subject line: I really hate that I miss you.
It’s been a few weeks since you burned me in the worst way you could think of. I really just want to forget you and move on. But you’re in my dreams again. And all the shitty things I’ve done since you to move on have just made me miss your late night visits more. I don’t know how, but I let you break me. If you hadn’t crossed that last line I could forgive everything else. We could have gone back to how things used to be in a few months, or could have just been close friends. But you’re a coward, and you had someone finish what was mine. That’s the closest thing I have to a god, and you shit all over it. So I really wish I didn’t even care enough to hate you, but you got under my skin…. I didn’t deserve any of that treatment. Fuck you.
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