Quotes Funny Love Biography
A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread - and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness -
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!
- - - -Edward Fitzgerald "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam"
A robin red breast in a cage
Puts all heaven in a rage.
- - - -William Blake "Auguries of Innocence"
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by frost.
- - - -J. R. R. Tolkien "Lord of the Rings"
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well.
When the tongues of flame are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire,
And the fire and the rose are one.
- - - -T. S. Eliot "Four Quartets"
And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares that infest the day
Shall fold their tents like Arabs,
And silently steal away.
- - - -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
And with tears of blood he cleansed the hand,
The hand that held the steel:
For only blood can wipe out blood,
And only tears can heal.
- - - -Oscar Wilde "The Ballad of Reading Gaol"
At evening casual flocks of pigeons make
Ambiguous undulations as they sink
Downward to darkness, on extended wings.
- - - -Wallace Stevens "Sunday Morning"
Beauty never slumbers;
All is in her name;
But the rose remembers
The dust from which it came.
- - - -Edna St. Vincent Millay
Before the beginning of years
There came to the making of man
Time, with a gift of tears;
Grief, with a glass that ran;
Pleasure, with pain for leaven;
Summer, with flowers that fell;
Remembrance, fallen from heaven,
And madness risen from hell;
Strength without hands to smite;
Love that endures for a breath;
Night, the shadow of light,
And Life, the shadow of death.
- - - -Algernon Charles Swinburne "Atalanta in Calydon" (1865)
But Fear and the Muse in turn guard the place
Where the banished poet has gone
And the night that comes with quickened pace
Is ignorant of dawn.
- - - -Anna Akhmatova
But if you ever come to a road where danger
Or guilt or anguish or shame's to share.
Be good to the lad who loves you true,
And the soul that was born to die for you
And whistle and I'll be there
- - - -A. E. Housman
By the time you swear you're his,
Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is
Infinite, undying -
Lady make note of this:
One of you is lying.
- - - -Dorothy Parker "Unfortunate Coincidence"
Come away, O human child!
to the waters and the wild
with a faery, hand in hand,
for the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand...
- - - W. B. Yeats
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- - -Dylan Thomas
Drink to me only with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup
And I'll not look for wine.
- - - -Ben Johnson "To Celia"
Every Night and every Morn
Some to Misery are born.
Every Morn and every Night
Some are born to Sweet Delight,
Some are born to Endless Night.
- - - -William Blake "Auguries of Innocence"
For the crown of our life as it closes
Is darkness, the fruit there of dust;
No thorns go as deep as the rose's,
And love is more cruel than lust.
Time turns the old days to derision,
Our loves into corpses or wives;
And marriage and death and division
Make barren our lives.
- - - -Algernon Charles Swinburne "Dolores" (1866)
For this is Wisdom; to love, to live
To take what fate, or the Gods may give.
To ask no question, to make no prayer,
To kiss the lips and caress the hair,
Speed passion's ebb as you greet its flow
To have, - to hold - and - in time, - let go!
- - - -Laurence Hope
You really love him, don't you? a simple psychological question, no name was mentioned but suddenly someone came into your mind
I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best. - Marilyn Monroe.
You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not. - Jodi Picoult.
You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. - Dr. Seuss.
You've got to dance like there's nobody watching. Love like you'll never be hurt. Sing like there's nobody listening. And live like it's heaven on earth. - William W. Purkey.
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
According to Greek mythology humans were originally created with 4 arms 4 legs and a head with 2 faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.
It’s not hard to find someone who tells you they love you, its hard to find someone who actually means it.
If I could chose between loving you and breathing I would use my last breathe to say I love you.
Love is such a beautiful thing. If you find True Love and manage to hold on to it, then count yourself not just lucky, but truly blessed. Some people have preferences in the person they would like to be in a relationship with. Maybe some one tall, or someone who is good looking or someone who is just a few years older (close to their age). This Hub concentrates on the Age aspect – Couples who have a wide age gap between them, but are very much in love and still married. Age should not be a barrier to love.
The couple married in 2000. Michael is an American Actor and Catherine is a Welsh Actress. When they met, Michael used the line “I want to father you children”. I'm sure Michael must have had better "romantic" lines under his sleeves, but that one worked for Catherine. They have 2 kids together. Wishing them continued happiness in their marriage.
The couple married in 1994. Rene is Celine’s Manager and Celine a Canadian singer. She recorded “it was only a dream” with the help of her mum and brother and the song was sent to him. He called the family to set up a meeting with Celine. They met – she was only 12, he was 38 and as we all know, he became her Manager and made her a big star. Obviously he played an important part in her career and must have been like a caring father. Naturally, she would have grown to love him. They have one son together.
The couple married in 2005. Ashton is an American Actor and Demi an American Actress. They met in a party in 2003, but Ashton didn’t show any interest. However, two weeks later, they were at another party and things took off from there. They have no kids together, but I have my fingers crossed for them. It would be nice to see a “little Ashton” as Demi has 3 daughters with Bruce Willis.
The couple married in 1998. Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa and Graca a Lawyer and International Campaigner for children’s rights. The happy couple met in 1990, shortly after Mandela was released from prison. Mandela insisted that she be treated as the first lady of South Africa during foreign state visits. They have no children together. I’m so glad for Uncle N, that he has someone who truly loves him by his side at this time of his life, especially after all he’s been through.
The History of Love by Nicole Krauss intertwines romantic and mysterious elements into a story about love, loss, and identity. Structured as a book-within-a-book, the novel explores the impact that one supposedly lost manuscript has on the lives of several people. Through reading the fictional book, also titled The History of Love, the characters begin to define and refine their own personal histories of love.
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