Funny Love Poems For Him Biography
♥ All I want is for one guy to prove me they're not all the same.
♥ It's funny how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.
♥ You're gonna kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.
♥ Love is when hurting him would hurt you more.
♥ Love is giving someone the power to destroy you but trusting them not to.
♥ What hurts more than losing you is knowing that you're not fighting to keep me.
♥ To me, you're worth the fight. But I wasn't going to fight forever.
♥ Do you know the reason why your crushes sometimes avoid you, neglect you? That's because... They don't want to assume that a "PERFECT MASTERPIECE" like you.. will admire people like them. ;) nakz!
Emo Quotes
♥ Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they're afraid that they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think that something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.
♥ Tears are words from the heart that can't be spoken.
♥ They didn't agree on much. In fact, they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time and they challenged each other every day. But in spite their differences, they had one important thing in common: they were crazy about each other.
♥ That's what we do, we fight, you tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of a b*tch, and I tell you when you're bein a pain in the ***, which you are 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate and then you're back doing the next pain in the *** thing. I'm saying, it's not gonna be easy... It's gonna be really hard. I'm gonna have to work at it everyday because I want you. I want all of you, you & me.. together, everyday for the rest of my life.
~The Notebook♥
How to find out for sure if someone is right for you
Emo Quotes
♥ Don't ever say that you're not good enough because if he can't see how amazing you are, then he's the one who's not good enough.
♥ When you look for the right person, you always end up with the wrong one. But when you just sit by the corner & wait.. he comes along and shares the corner with you.
♥ If you dress nicely, he says you're a snob. If you dress sexy, he says you're a slut. If you argue with him, he says you're stubborn. If you're quiet, he says you don't care. If you call him, he says you're needy and clingy. If he calls you, he says you should be grateful. If you don't love him, he'll try to win you over. If you do love him, he'll leave you. If you don't do it with him, he'll say you're a tease. If you do, he'll say you're easy. If you tell him your problems, he'll say you're irritating. If you don't he'll say you don't trust him. If you break a promise, you can't be trusted. If he breaks it, he had to. If you cheat, he'll expect it to be over. If he does, he expects to be given another chance.
You turned my life into a beautiful garden of roses. You showed me the love that I never had. My heart is full of love for you alone. You are the best my love.
~ Alana McDonald
This quote is dedicated to all the beautiful things you have done for me. All the times that you have stood by me and protected me. Everything you have given me, especially love and your heart!There are many boys I have met and spoken to but none of them are like you. You took my
breathe away the very first time I met you. Im so crazy about you.The beauty that you have brought into my life is beyond description. I hardly can express it in words. My heart speaks a new language now.~
~ Emily Stimson
Our best days are still ahead of us. There is so much to be done. So many places all ober the world that I want to see with you. So many songs that I want to dance with you. You bring so much of happiness to me.
~ Catherine John
Lovingly I stepped up to you. You were there just like you always are. Your smile unarmed me and left me defenseless. I am all yours now.
~ The romantic book.
Loving you was the best decision of my life. Standing by me is a decision you will never regret.You are so precious to love.
~ Victoria Peters
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. -- Mother Teresa
Love and magic have a great deal in common. They enrich the soul, delight the heart. And they both take practice.-- Nora Roberts
Tell me who admires you and loves you, and I will tell you who you are. -- Charles Augustin Sainte-Beauve
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead. -- Bertrand Russell
Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.' -- Erich Fromm
Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give -- which is everything. -- Source Unknown
The only reward for love is the experience of loving. -- John LeCarre
You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. -- Anonymous
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back it's yours. If it doesn't, it never really was in the first place. -- Anonymous
Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults. -- Benjamin Franklin
We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end. -- Benjamin Disraeli
Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect.
There is only one happiness in life -- to love and to be loved.
I've fallen in love many times..... always with you
The one who loves least controls the relationship.
Love cannot be found where it doesn't exist, nor can it be hidden where it truly does.
Love not someone whom you see eye to eye, but is looking in the same direction.
Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.
Love can be felt more only when it's shared between..
Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow.
There is nothing called a love failure.It is the lovers who fail.
True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.
Love is awfully simple, but falling out of love is simply awful.
Once you have learned to love, You will have learned to live.
Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye
Love will find a way. Indifference will find an excuse.
If you love me, let me know. If not, please gently let me go.
Real love stories never have endings.
Love is a game that two can play and both win.
Love is the bridge between two hearts.
A heart that loves is always young.
Love Sayings and Quotes
Alone Together..
Life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quickly you hardly catch it going.
A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages
How much longer are we going to keep deceiving ourselves? Why are we going to let go of true love because even though it feels right in the heart, it just doesn't seem logical. How much longer are we going to keep fearing what we cannot see or hear but only feel. How long is it going to take us to figure out that the most purest and the best feelings in life are only felt from the heart, never understood from the mind. It's like believing in God; we can't see him or make logic out of His existence but He is always there in our heart.
You can never get him out of your head … It’s the way you get weak in the knees when you get lost in his eyes. It’s the way you can’t breathe when you are around him. It’s the way your hands match perfectly. It’s the way your heart skips a beat when you see him. It’s the way he catches all of your attention by not even saying a word. It’s the way he makes the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. It’s the way you act like a three-year-old in love all over again. It’s the way he hugs and kisses you. It’s the way he makes you fall in love ....
Make your life a house your heart can live in, with a door that is open to receive friends and a garden full of memories of many good things.
"Inside the heart of each and every one of us there is a longing to be understood by someone who really cares. When a person is understood, he or she can put up with almost anything in the world."
Rev Ed Hird
If enduring pain, braving shame, despising one's self for the sake of affection and accepting misery without question is the definition of love - then, I LOVE YOU.
In time all things grow old and weak, but my love for you only grows strong and better with every second of every day.
The words "I love you" are not for anyone to say from their mouth to their beloved one. It's a feeling that you can whisper to each other from heart-to-heart without saying it aloud…
No one has ever loved anyone the way everyone wants to be loved.
..But love is a durable fire
In the mind ever burning;
Never sick, never old, never dead
From itself never turning.
We are not lovers because of the love we make but the love we have.. We are not friends because of the laughs we spend but the tears we save.. I don't want to be near you for the thoughts we share but for the words we never have to speak.. I will never miss you because of what we do but what we are together..
"In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing."
I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you
"Each time I miss you, a star falls down from the sky. So, if you looked up at the sky and found it dark with no stars, it is all your fault. You made me miss you too much!
"One night, the moon said to me, 'If he makes you cry, why don't you leave him?' I looked at the moon and said, 'Moon, would you ever leave your sky?
By my eyes I met you
By my soft hands I touched you
By my lips I kissed you
By my heart I love you!"
"If you were a tear in my eye, I would not cry for fear of losing you."
I asked for light, God gave me the sun, I asked for water, God gave me rain, I asked for happiness, and God gave me you
When I saw you I was afraid to meet you,
When I met you I was afraid to know you,
When I knew you I was afraid to love you,
Now I love you and I'm afraid to lose you!
"I dropped a tear in the ocean, when they find it, I'll stop loving you."
"If I had a nickle for every time I had a thought of you, I would only have a nickle, because you are a constant thought...with no end."
"I loved you once, I love you still, I always have, I always will..."
"I would be lying if I said you stepped out of my dreams and into my life... My dreams were never this wonderful!"
"When tomorrow starts without me, don't think we are far apart, for everytime you think of me I am right in your heart."
"If loving you is wrong, I never want to be right again."
"You don't have to love in words, because even through the silences love is always heard."
"I need many things to help me live, but I need only you, to make life worth living."
"They said angels were supposed to come from the sky, that means I'm lucky, cause one fell for me."
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