Love Limericks Funny Biography
Source( the moment we met, he played a game
Started out telling me to guess his name
And when I asked, “Don?”
He responded, “Right on!”
This lucky guess led to more of the same
“What do you think I do for a living?”
I hesitated, had some misgivings
“Steer the space shuttle?”
Got no rebuttal
So on this roll, I felt I was winning
“Bet you a kiss you don’t know where I live”
My mind was draining faster than a sieve
“A beachfront villa?”
(The truth would kill ya)
So many guessing games I now relive
After dating three months, his wife found out
Burst into our love nest, called him a lout
Eight kids behind her
All hungry they were
Don Juan he was, but surely no space scout
If you meet a man and he asks you to guess
Take it from me and avoid this distress
He may be akin
To Rumpelstiltskin
The anger later is hard to suppress
Now I’ve learned to turn the tables on men
Asking them to “guess” again and again
My private life hid
Won’t remove the lid
And I’ve convinced some that MY name’s John Glenn
*Entry for Tracy's "Make Me Giggle" contest
Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: funny,holiday
Valentine's Day Musings
All year long he puts my heart on a shelf
No surprise I’d rather be by myself
If there’s no Valentine treat
From this worthless hunk of meat
He can go on making love to himself
Remember there’s an “I” in Valentine
So if no one’s around to say, “Be mine”
Just splurge – get a new hairdo
Party with an all-girl crew
Check out the divorce rate and say, “I’m fine”
Beatlemania (The Fab Four As Lovers)
Once a choir boy, John turned to romance,
Fell for Yoko almost at first glance.
In full public view
In bed with her too -
Showed the world how to “give peace a chance.”
Quiet George played much more than guitar.
Lost his wife to another rock star.
Layla left him because
Of how hung up he was
On the music he made with his sitar!
Ringo acted in “Caveman” and met
His wife Barb (once a Bond girl) on set.
Though the film of this drummer
Was dumber than dumber,
Wise in love, he’s not left his Barb yet!
A heart breaker, Paul left Wife "One"
For Linda, and made her a vegan!
On their farm smoking pot,
They made money (a LOT)!
He’s a genius whose life sure seems fun!
written Oct. 13, 2013 for the BeatleMania Contest of
Rhonda Johnson-Saunders
Poem Details | by Mary Nagy
Categories: angst,daughter,family,funny,happiness,life,love,car,
Princess Needs A New Car
Princess just wants a new car.
I have told her that hers will go far.
'Oh, it's really not cool
driving this crap to school.'
'Do I need that emotional scar? '
'The kids will all laugh at the rust.
When we race, I'll be left in the dust!
I will save up some cash
then we'll make a mad dash
to the car dealer surely you trust'.
'He will make us a wonderful deal
and I'm sure you will know how I feel.
I will love you so much,
My siblings... I won't touch.
Just get me behind a new wheel'!
Now she'll be cruisin in style.
She'll be happy for only awhile.
There will always be better
and we'll try hard to get her
a car that will make princess smile.
Poem Details | by Poet Destroyer A
Categories: husband,nature,wife
-Divorce Club-
~~ Divorce Club~~
Haiku * divorce trip *
broken promises
eclipse of the sun and moon
dreams that fall like leafs.
Limerick * never settle*
Like a gun to my head of course
I married the end of a horse
love was never real,
kids no big deal.
Wow! I gain more money after divorce!
Couplet * forever vows *
I meant them words "for better or worse" during our holy matrimony
The better now has hit me, once the Court ordered alimony:-)
Poem Details | by Poet Destroyer A
Categories: caregiving,celebration,confusion,desire,feelings,funny,
Sweet and Salty -LIBRA TALE
Sweet and Sour hectic sign
Love me, trust me, stars align
Balance of truth and dare
Good and Evil, full of care
Blind when it comes to blood line.
Poem Details | by Carolyn Devonshire
Categories: funny
CYO Hayride Picnic
Note: The CYO is the Catholic Youth Organization for teens. Really enjoyed all the
activities they held, especially the hayride picnic!
The teenage girls brought baskets filled with food
While the boys braced for a romantic mood
I packed turkey and some rolls
But my basket, it had holes
Brushed off my mate’s gestures, not to be rude
The full harvest moon shone brightly above
And other couples were pursuing love
Pete and I dated for years
I, a virgin, filled with fears
Erotic moments he felt deprived of
So as I fumbled through my worn basket
Pete saw me as virginity’s mascot
The turkey, it was still there
Rolls had fallen out, but where?
I dove into the hay, the rolls to get
Peter dove too and the carriage did sway
Though I wasn’t ready for his “squeeze play”
I sought only food’s treasure
This picnic proved a pleasure
That’s how I got my first roll in the hay
Entry for Carol Brown’s “Picnic Time” Contest. Some truth to this, but Peter was still
feeling "deprived" after the hayride.
Surfside stand a lady & man
lost in (a moment) on silca lands
so stand this even (handed two)
before a sky limpid blue
with a hearts glow to melt the burning sand.
Love limned laughter, (lines out) sweet promised sign,
satin billows of cloud surround divine,
backdrop sky a blue silk screen
young as fun forever keen
pre-empting fate this faultless time.
Pouring waves and passion combine
light moods, effervescent, (platinum fine)
flows a presence vivid & wild,
flaming love & (destiny's child,)
raptured revolving evolving in time.
He held my hand, not one word was spoken
Then a ring he offered as a token
He could not ask for marriage
For fear I might disparage
His eyes conveyed sentiments unspoken
Ah, my brother is finally sleeping
Through my head mischievous thoughts are creeping
It’s my time to shine now
To him I won’t kowtow
All of the attention I’ll be keeping
I’ll make the best use of this special time
Beg for more after each nursery rhyme
I’ll play with his best toys
Till he makes the first noise
Because then I’ll just be admired part time
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