Love Funny Messages Biography
i was born to tell you i love you...
If I could have just one wish, I would wish to wake up everyday to the sound of your breath on my neck, the warmth of your lips on my cheek, the touch of your fingers on my skin, and the feel of your heart beating with mine... Knowing that I could never find that feeling with anyone other than you..
Happiness in marriages are the paracetamol for treating every sick marriage.
There is no eternity. But when you smile, i want to believe in it. I want to hold your hands and reach for it
I dont care how you are, we are both retards..
No boy is worth cryin over and when he is he wont make you cry!
the gaps in between your fingers were made for me to fill
i'd love you to the end of the earth but the earth has no end so i will love you continuously forever and ever
love is everything!!!! learn it love it be happy
Holding Hands Each Day, My Heart feels Like Butterflies, When We're Together
i love you and all i wont to ever do is love you and i'm bound and deterimed not to fail but i relize that there are bumps in the road but i'm going to try to learn how to miss those bumps.-the love of his life
You know you're in love when you can't sleep at night. Finally, reality is better than in your dreams.
love is like a mountian once you reach the top you never want to come back down
143: means I love you. In our own way.
god gave us people like you so we can have roses in gave me a whole garden full,yes! a whole garden full. I love you and always will
I love you when I'm happy, I love you when I'm sad gee I even love you when I'm kinda feeling mad. I love you when you're near or when your far away and gosh I'm glad I got you coz I love you more each day...
A boy gave a girl a thirteen roses, he told the girl, "I'll love you unitl the last one dies." Soon all the roses died, except one, it was a fake rose, meaning...he'd love her forever!
I could look a m i l l i o n times but I would never get tired of that s.m.i.l.e
Love is when you dont want to go to sleep at night, because real life is so much better than a dream.
no one is perfect until you fall in love with them = love is blind
you are a breath taking glimpse of God's love for me.
NeVeR ReGrEt SoMeThInG ThAt OnCe MaDe YoU SmIlE
ifi could dream at night and if those dreams came true i would force myself to sleep at night so could dream of you
boy:hey whats up? girl:notin much u? boy:i need girl advise girl:uh...ok boy:thers this girl...i think about her all the time..i love her. girl:so..tell her boy:i just did
one boy, one girl, two hearts their world!
You'll know you've made it.....when you wear out your rear tires.....before your front tires..... ( Former IP Champ and all around great fellow)
I KNOW I'm the slowest part on the car..... ( B. Wright, repeated too often....)
"Never run out of real estate, ideas and traction at the same time." - seen on a Track Daze T-shirt
"Oh yes. It's not when you brake but when you take them off that counts. Most people don't understand that." - Jackie Stewart
"Cornering perfectly is like bringing a woman to climax.” - Jackie Stewart
"He who turns least wins." Ross Bentley
Poverty is owning a racecar. (bumper sticker)
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well-preserved piece...but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, and defiantly shouting "wow, what a ride." (On the back of a race car trailer somewhere).
"Here, hold my beer" - anybody before doing something arguably awesome
Wide open until you see God, then brake – unknown
Speed costs, how fast do you want to go?
Friend of mine used to say: "Hang on, saw this in a cartoon, I think I can pull it off."
Funny quotes can be one of the best way to have fun and smile.When you're bored,when you have troubles or just looking for fun,these funny quotes bring a big smile on your face every time when you read them.Because life without smile is like a chocolate without cocoa.
Also,the funny quotes and sayings can be a very good and the cheapest solution to get rid of the stress and worries.There are so many kind of funny quotes,for any subject on earth,from famous people or from anonymous persons.Full of humor,all these funny quotes can teach you to enjoy life and smile every day.
Bellow are few of the best <a href="">funny quotes:</a>
My wife hasn’t had a birthday in 4 years. She was born in the year of …………. Lord-only-knows!
You can't have everything....where would you put it?
Join The Army, Visit exotic places, meet strange people, then kill them.
An old friend will help you move. A good friend will help you move a dead body.
The Bermuda Triangle got tired of warm weather.It moved to Finland. Now Santa Clause is missing!
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Love Funny Quotes Jokes Images Pics Quotes fo Him PHoto SMS Wallpapers Pictures Meme
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Love Funny Quotes Jokes Images Pics Quotes fo Him PHoto SMS Wallpapers Pictures Meme
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